Please excuse my troll tendencies that have rendered me under a bridge for the past few months. I missed ya’ll. And who are we kidding, I KNOW you missed me!
A happy New Year to all of my readers out there in the diabetes blogosphere. My endo office was nuts in November and December, everyone was trying to get things done BEFORE 1/1, and needed it done yesterday. It was good times. Diabetes Awareness Month came and went, and don’t worry, yours truly wore blue (along with her entire practice) every Friday, and raised almost $2,000 for JDRF with walk and shoe donations. Thanks to everyone that helped me achieve my goal! And for those of you that didn’t…I accept all major credit cards and personal checks.
My hope with this blog over the holidays was to have it revamped and redesigned by the New Year in preparation for the launch of my book I have been penning. That obviously didn’t happen, but I have joined forces with a NEW blog designer, Lisa from Scratch, and can’t wait to see what she has in store for me..and the blog..ok, mainly me.
January is National Thyroid Awareness Month, and as a Hashimoto Ho, I encourage you to wear blue paisley for those you love with thyroid disease….like me. Having 3 autoimmune issues (I also struggle with Celiac) can make the day totally suck…if you let it. Some days I eat too much gluten, almost poop my pants, only to realize I forgot my morning dose of Synthroid AND have two arrows up on my CGM. Instead of screaming FML!!!! I contain, triage, do what I can, and tell myself I need to lessen the suckage factor the following day. I hate to think that my readers ever get down about their autoimmune issues. Makes me sad, just know you are NOT alone, and there are many of us in the DOC (diabetes online community) that rally for others with this shitty disease to help make it suck less for you…the greater good.
This post is making me apprehensive, so I should probably come clean. About 4 months ago I started noticing some joint swelling and pain. I brushed it off and started hitting the Advil. But then I noticed they were red. And I couldn’t open things. Or grip my steering wheel. And the throbbing pain sometimes wakes me up. I realized I was emptying all of the pain killer bottles in my house fairly quickly. So, tomorrow I am going to see a local rheumatologist that my husband likes to refer patients to. I’m scared shitless to hear what she has to tell me. What if I have ANOTHER autoimmune disease? Rheumatoid arthritis??? I thought only old, wrinkly people got that? Why is this happening to me? How will it affect my mommy-hood? Will I be able to have more children? Will the drugs for treatment harm me? So, yeah…tomorrow will be interesting. I hope that these aren’t just “growing pains” and this is what it feels like to be old, on the other hand, am I actually wishing something is outright wrong???
So thanks for sticking it out with me, diabetes blogosphere. Follow me on FaceBook and Twitter to stay updated, and to be made privy to my ‘Betes Bia-isms. 2012 has good things in store, no matter what that Dr tells me; tomorrow…I’m just glad you’re along for the ride with me…
Peace, Love, ‘Betes,
Nurse Kelley
PS. Stay tuned as the blog itself is undergoing a few “growing pains” itself!! Gunna look faboo!!
Thinking about you KC. Definitely keep us posted. I hope your appointment tomorrow gives you clear, easily treatable, not at all scary information.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs,
I Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs. I have have had T1Diabetes for over 30 years and along the way have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, PCOS, and am insulin resistant so not only do I have an insulin pump but I also have to take Metformin, Sucky! I feel like a pharmacy somtimes, all the meds they have me on, but you give me inspiration, You rock, Thank you!